Philosophical implications and possibilities of the new age of AI
I'll be hosting a talk at indydevs 10/10 about the philosophical implications of AI.
Will our new software abilities enslave us into a world of virtual reality, cooperate and enhance us to be Gods, or are we entering a realm of changes so sharp that all rules will be lost?
What do you think - where is AI taking us?
shoham Eckhaus
Hi Daniel,
Like a lot of people in the world I've been wondering about the limits of AI to think like a human. Are there limits beyond processing capacity?
It connects for me with my thoughts about whether humans have a "soul" or are they just a collection of cells that are governed by the laws of physics.
I realize this is a huge huge question but would love to have a chance to discuss it with people who dive deep into this subject.
One of the people who I love to read that talks about this is Sam Harris. He holds some controversial opinions. I'd love to discuss them with people who are interested in the subject who have educated opinions on it...
Penguin Strategies, CSO & CMO